Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"A Morning Album": The Superimportant Christmas Shopping guide, item #1

The holidays are upon us, and if you're like me, you've been well aware of this since before Halloween, but haven't done anything about it other than use your knot of Christmas lights as a Halloween costume. Apparently Christmas is a mere ten days away and not only have you not gotten anything for your Dad, but you don't even know what you COULD get for the old man and haven't known for the better part of the aught's. As always, superimportant is here to help, with our innate & delicate sensibilities, and cunning knack for nailing JUST the right gifts for this giving season. So sit right here on Santa's lap and don't bother telling us what it is you want... WE ALREADY KNOW.

A Morning Playlist

The first wisps of brisk dawn air through the floor length curtains at the far end of your apartment make you wonder "why did I leave the windows open? It's fucking freezing out! I'm going back to bed." But once they waft the first impressions of a brand new day across your fitful slumber and peaceful dreams, I can imagine nothing more comforting than the accompaniment of a soothing soundtrack much like the one superimportant finds unavoidable each morning. Your ears will feel like they're waking up in bed with our arm awkwardly draped across your chest while you listen to the same things that start our days off so wonderfully.


1) Jackhammer
2) Downstairs Neighbor's music
3) Car alarm
4) Minimalist Gunshot Stacatto No 12
5) Octagenarian Landlord's Emphysema cough/yell/explosion
6) NPR's Jonathan Schwartz
7) Upstairs Neighbor's music
8) Dog

Delicately crafted to welcome you to every day with the authentic wonder of city living, this is one gift that's sure to please even the most stalwart of Scrooges.

1 comment:

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